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An article relating to this blog post on Finextra:

Vasco to sell card authentication readers directly to end users

Digital security outfit Vasco is to sell its two-factor authentication devices direct to the consumer via high street retailers and online markets such as eBay.

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I know I need 50 quid, do I need Paypal to buy a Vasco?

Vasco selling readers on Ebay*?

Last week they were giving them away to corporates, this week it's ebay. I suppose they'll find their market somewhere. Perhaps in the Collectibles category.

I'm sorry but I remain unconvinced about the practicality of this approach and see no long term future. I am sure they dream of selling every household, internet cafe and store a reader but I would rather spend my £50 on something else. I didn't find one on be.ebay, so I checked their price list. Very lucrative if you can sell enough of them, no wonder the government was 'convinced'.

Mobile phones will win. 

*Ebay are forcing sellers to only offer their wholly owned susidiary paypal as a transaction processor. They are seeking exemption from Australian consumer protection and monopoly laws.


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