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IBM give up the IT 'security business they can't win'

IBM is the latest cyber firm to raise the white flag on security admitting that it's an arms race they can't win.

“The security business has no future,” announced Val Rahamani, general manager of IBM ISS and of security and privacy for IBM Global Technology Services. Rahamani went on to say:

“It’s time to give up on the fantasy that education and antivirus will cure consumer security woes. It is not up to consumers to protect themselves. It is not their problem. It is our problem, because online commerce is not sustainable if it is not inherently secure. And the only way to make it inherently secure is to take ownership of the security problem.”

“The security industry is dead,” Rahamani said.

Well at least they've realised their limitations. I've always said that the methodology is the foundation of security and that the industry was generally operating on flawed methodology.

Microsoft has also realised that they aren't approaching the problem the right way and put up their hands for help. 

There is a solution of course, and now that the giant propaganda machines have admitted defeat the real solutions can be put forward. I'm really looking forward to this. Timing is everything in business and the time has come for banks to look at solutions not fantasies. I'm certainly smiling at the news, if you aren't...


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