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Working Smarter, Not Harder

Are your days a battle between work, rest and play? Many women struggle to achieve the good work / life balance that we hear so much about. The competitive, demanding and rapid moving IT sector means long hours and hard work, which women in the industry have to juggle with their social and family lives as well as finding time to rest! The government proposals to extend flexible working to more parents may prove a helping hand to some, but many will still find the tightrope of work / life balance a dangerous one to cross.

The “Working Smarter, Not Harder” event, to be hosted by and Microsoft on 1st April 2008, aims to help women in this situation. It will feature a key note speech from Dr Suzanne Doyle, a professional speaker, trainer and coach, who will offer tips around our perceptions of our ability to prioritise, to delegate and to recognise what we are already doing right, in an attempt to make the goal of an attractive work life balance an achievable one. As well as this there will be presentations, a Q&A session and networking over drinks afterwards. This is a free event - if you’d like to come along on 1st April at 6.30pm in London, please see for more details and to reserve your place. Sign up early to avoid disappointment as we always experience a high demand for places! Hope to see you there!


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