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2023 (1)
Christine Schmid

Christine Schmid

Head of Strategy at additiv
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Bio Head Strategy additiv, Deputy CEO Career History Over 20 years in leadership positions within financial services, my experience includes serving as Head Investment Solutions and Global Head Equity and Credit Research at Credit Suisse. I am a former member of the Swiss Sustainable Finance Board and InvestLab Board, and currently on the Advisory Board of Redesigning Financial Services, Meridian and additiv's Executive Board.


Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

AI in Wealth: from Science Fiction to Science Fact

08 Jun 2023

Can machines really take the place of humans when it comes to building trust? And what does this mean for financial services, and in particular, wealth management? “This is the world now. Logged on, plugged in, all the time.” We live with Artificial Intelligence (AI) every day, without realizing it. Navigation apps such as Google Maps use A...