Taicom Securities selects MetaBit dealing system

Source: MetaBit

Leading online trading broker Taicom Securities has adopted MetaBit's innovative trading tool XiliX as its dealing system for futures on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).

Initially, 10+ dealers will utilise XiliX, but the ultimate goal is to roll out the new dealing system to all staff. This greatly facilitates dealing activities at Taicom, as the Exchange regulates the number of exchange terminals allocated to its broker members. With input from Taicom's dealers, MetaBit has tailored XiliX to include specific TOCOM trading terminal features unique to the needs of a proprietary dealing desk.

TOCOM approved MetaBit as an ISV (Independent Software Vendor) for the Exchange in 2004.

"Taicom Securities has continuously adopted new ideas and technologies into Japan's financial industry. We are pleased to see that MetaBit had the flexibility to incorporate our traders' difficult requirements," says Mr. Akihiro Nishida, President, Taicom. "The added function further enhances Taicom's dealing techniques, assisting our investment strategies. In turn, we plan to implement the FIX protocol for our other operations, and expand both outbound and inbound flow throughout Asia."

"MetaBit has enhanced XiliX, our real time trading tool, to fulfill the needs of the professional dealers at Taicom," says Etsuko Shimabukuro, Senior Consultant, MetaBit, "Based on input from Taicom's dealers, we implemented short cut keys to improve performance, and further enhanced XiliX to comply to multiple screens, utilized by dealers, surpassing functionality of an exchange terminal. MetaBit is pleased to have the opportunity to extend our product and services to the highly professional dealing environment of Taicom. We are confident we can continue to satisfy the needs of other institutions who deal with commodity futures."

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