Staffware adds payment processing to worklow automation

Staffware adds payment processing to worklow automation

Business process management firm Staffware has teamed up with financial middleware outfit e-Vantage Solutions to deliver software for automating payments processing at banks.

e-Vantage is working to integrate Staffware's workflow products with gateways to clearing and settlement systems such as Chaps and Swift in an effort to automate the payments processes and eliminate errors in transcription from customers instruction to the resulting payment. The solution also controls which individuals in the payments process undertake which tasks and when, including allowance for deadlines to ensure payments are processed within specified timeframes.

Matthew Hatton, principal consultant, payment systems at e-Vantage comments: "Staffware enables us to provide banks with improved cashflow visibility, increased response times to customer queries, continuous improvement in operational efficiency, and greater STP rates. We are already making plans to extend our offering with Staffware to include a Web-front end."

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