SWX Europe chief Hodgkinson quits

SWX Europe chief Hodgkinson quits

SWX Europe chief Lee Hodgkinson is quitting the Swiss-based SIX Group at the end of April to "pursue a new challenge".

A former LSE staffer, Hogkinson joined the company in 2001 and has been a member of the SIX Swiss Exchange Management Committee for five years. With responsibility for the market operations division, he led the development of SIX Swiss Exchange's high-capacity transaction platform.

News of his departure comes two months after the SIX Group announced plans to close the London operations of SWX Europe with the loss of 40 jobs. Hogkinson has been heading the project to repatriate trading in Swiss blue chips from London to Zurich, to be finalised at the end of June.

In a statement, the company says: "The management and staff of SIX Swiss Exchange thank him for his untiring commitment to both exchanges in London and Zurich, and wish him all the very best for the future."

Comments: (1)

Paul Penrose
Paul Penrose - Finextra - London 15 January, 2009, 12:38Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Does this mean Lee is in - or out - of the running for Clara Furse's job at the LSE? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
