Hackers publish Michelle Obama's financial details

Hackers publish Michelle Obama's financial details

President Obama has confirmed that US authorities are investigating whether hackers have posted online the personal financial information of his wife, Michelle, and dozens of politicians and Hollywood celebrities.

A Web site using the suffix of the former Soviet Union, .su, popped up on Monday, posting what it claims are "financial dossiers", including social security numbers, credit reports, and personal banking details, of dozens of high profile Americans.

The Secret Service, FBI and Los Angeles Police Department are all investigating the site, which claims Vice President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Jay-Z, Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton among its victims.

Credit monitoring firm Equifax told Forbes that four celebrity reports were obtained "fraudulently" through the AnnualCreditReport.com site.

In an interview with ABC News, President Obama says: "We should not be surprised that if you've got hackers that want to dig in and devote a lot of resources, that they can access this information. Again, not sure how accurate but ... you've got web sites out there that tell people's credit card info. That's how sophisticated they are."

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