Banque Populaire deploys Fair Isaac rules management for Basel compliance

Banque Populaire deploys Fair Isaac rules management for Basel compliance

French banking group Banque Populaire is implementing business rules management technology from Fair Isaac in order to develop risk management processes that comply with the forthcoming Basel II regulations.

Banque Populaire will roll out Fair Isaac's Blaze Advisor product across 19 of its 23 member retail banks to develop risk management applications for calculating capital requirements and data quality assurances for its consumer and business portfolios.

The product allows the bank to configure, deploy and maintain business rules as decision-making components in its automated applications.

Bernard Gouraud, IT director, Banque Populaire, comments: "Fair Isaac's business rule technology serves as a foundation for rebuilding our risk evaluation techniques and methodologies on a global basis, ensuring that the Group and its member banks will be fully prepared to quickly and effectively respond to forthcoming Basel II regulations."

Banque Populaire says the adoption of the technology has already cut programming time by 30% and is expected to reduce programming time for future updates and maintenance by between 50% and 75%.

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