CPI Card Group gears up for EMV migration

Source: CPI Card Group

CPI Card Group, a global leader in financial and EMV chip card production and related services, today announced a new product line that supports MasterCard best practices for EMV debit card issuers in the United States.

"As the U.S. market migration to EMV continues to gain pace, we are confident that this additional product line for MasterCard Debit will enable our customers to migrate their portfolios in a timely manner and ahead of the liability shift date later this year," said Steve Montross, president and CEO of CPI Card Group.

The new products comply with all MasterCard requirements and Durbin specifications for U.S. debit cards. The specifications include supporting full data sharing across multiple application instances, providing merchants with debit transaction routing options.

CPI provides a range of contact and dual interface EMV solutions for debit and credit running on Java, Multos or Native operating systems. 

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