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989 Results from 2010

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Happy Holidays and Thank You From Robert Siciliano

25 years ago I was in a situation where I needed some help. A man appeared out of nowhere and seemed to have sensed my desperation and offered assistance. I accepted. Up until that day “It was all about me”. When I asked why he stopped to offer assistance and go out of his way as he did, he simply said, “Sometimes people just need help” That simp...

/security /regulation

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

What did I write?

Looking back – some of the most viewed posts: On EU: Questions European Tax Payers should ask: A digital Single Market – why and how?: The future of Direct Debit – e-invoicing with standing order:

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

A Start-up Boom for the Finance Sector?

In 2010 we had a bunch of innovative ideas become mainstream and start to impact the banking arena (for a full coverage see my post in Huffington.) However, 2011 promises to be more disruptive because as the economy finally starts to warm up, we'll be seeing a lot of new private equity investment into start-ups in the finance arena. A new dot com ...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Hacking Wireless for Identity Theft

The ability to connect wirelessly has a lot to do with the indispensability of the Internet in our daily lives. Wireless Internet is available in our homes, offices, cafes, restaurants, parks, hotels, airports, cars, and even airplanes. The mobility factor allows us to work anytime, anywhere, on numerous devices. “Being connected” is at an all-tim...

/security /regulation

Steven Murdoch

Steven Murdoch Royal Society University Research Fellow at University College London

UK Cards Association attempt to supress Cambridge research

The UK Cards Association (previously known as APACS) has written to the University of Cambridge asking them to remove a paper, claiming that it contains information that might be of use to criminals. The thesis, from a master's project by Omar Choudary, showed how to build a device that protects cardholders from tampered Chip & PIN terminals. ...

/security Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

New Years Regulations

As 2010 draws to a close, it seems an appropriate time to consider the changes that have taken place over the last twelve months and look ahead to the coming year. In terms of payments security, 2010 was a big year for PCI DSS, with version 2.0 of the standard coming into force. Despite showing progress and clarifying a few points, however, it’s fa...

/security /payments Information Security

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

ZeusiLeaks Archives File 001: The ex-Agent

OK folks, quick recap: if you think WikiLeaks is the largest leak of data the world has seen, think again. In fact, think two orders of magnitude bigger. Who needs a quarter of a million diplomatic cables, when we have the Zeus Trojan, most popular crimeware in the universe, sitting on millions of personal, corporate and government PCs stealing da...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

2011: The year for mobile banking

Research published recently by Forrester shows that mobile banking provision in Europe is gathering pace. This refers to all three of the main mobile banking services – mobile web, mobile app and text-based services. According to its analysis, of the European banks offering mobile banking services: • 76% offer SMS alerts • 67% offer mobile banking ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

My banker's New Year resolutions

It’s that time of the year again. The time for optimistic New Year’s resolutions. Don’t worry, I won’t have you commit on going back to the gym. No, we’ll keep it simple. So here we go, read this out aloud – again and again: I will launch a mobile app. And not one with the HTML screen scraping style. No, a real secure and ubiquitous mobile app! Af...

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

The Top 14 innovations in the banking arena for 2010

2010 was a bumper year for innovations in the retail banking and payments space. Below are some of the top innovations this year. Let me know how you rank these in respect to their ability to be real game changers for the banking arena. Which innovations do you think will survive on, and which will flame out? My big bet for 2011 is NFC (Near-Field

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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