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A Finextra Member

Top 10 Secure Cryptocurrency Wallets in 2023

‍As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to grow and evolve, the need for secure and reliable cryptocurrency wallets has never been greater. The importance of a well-protected crypto wallet canno

14 Jun 2023
Personal Finance
Greg Waisman

The Future of Finance: Blockchain Technology Set To Reshape the Financial Landscape

For a while now blockchain has been considered a disruptive element in the field of banking, as it has several advantages that enable crypto transactions to far outstrip traditional systems. It is for...

09 Jun 2023
A Finextra Member

Enhancing User Protection: The Importance of Secure Wallet Integration in Crypto Payment Gateways

With the increasing popularity of digital currencies, security has become a primary concern for users who want to keep their crypto safe. Wallet integration plays a critical role in ensuring that tran...

07 Jun 2023
Personal Finance
Arijit Goswami

CBDCs and Insurance - A Transformative Interplay

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital form of central bank money that is issued by a country's central bank and backed by the government. It is an innovative digital payment system that is...

02 Jun 2023
Cryptocurrency Insights
Amy Lane

5 industries that are embracing cryptocurrency in 2023

The emergence of cryptocurrencies opened up a lot of possibilities for businesses across multiple industries. Its wide accessibility, decentralized nature, and resilience against inflation make crypto...

02 Jun 2023
Adam Lieberman

How Web3 is driving social and financial empowerment

In recent years, Web3 has been put forward as the most significant democratic revolution in the digital space. With big tech monopolies governing the exchange and monetisation of information today, th...

31 May 2023
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

The digital euro project: we are not there yet!

Two years ago I wrote a blog about the plans of the European Central Bank (ECB) to introduce a digital euro. In that year the ECB decided to set up the Digital Euro project and started with the tech

29 May 2023
Blockchain Observations
Adriana P

Choosing the Right White-Label Crypto Exchange Software: A Complete Comparison Guide

The cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, and with it, the demand for white-label crypto exchange software. White-label software allows businesses to launch their own cryptocurrency exchange witho...

16 May 2023
Simon Dimoni

Australia's Potential as a Crypto Capital: A Guide for Family Offices and Hedge Funds

Australia's rapid rise from a convict colony to a regional financial powerhouse has captured the attention of investors worldwide. With over a dozen unicorns, including Canva, SafetyCulture, and Airwa...

16 May 2023
Alternative Investments
Simon Gegen

Australia's Unique SME Landscape: A Look at the Diverse Business Sector

Australia's Thriving SME Sector Australia is more than just a beautiful country with sunny weather and famous landmarks. It is also a diverse and dynamic nation with a thriving business sector that de...

16 May 2023
Entrepreneur field
Todd Crosland

In times of economic uncertainty, crypto enables the era of financial autonomy

Born partly in reaction to the 2008 financial crisis, cryptocurrency was created as a radical alternative to the traditional financial industry. Rewind 15 years: banks that were “too big to fail” had ...

12 May 2023
Cryptocurrency Insights
Mousser Rahmouni

How to Easily Embed Crypto Off-Ramp Features with a Single API?

How to Ramp Crypto and Easily Embed Crypto Off-Ramp Features with Striga's APIs In the world of finance, crypto off-ramp is a crucial feature that allows companies to unlock new revenue streams by p...

12 May 2023
Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

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