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Michael Wright

Michael Wright

ex-CEO, NED at Tilte, Taxd, Welleasy
Message Message me Posts: 10 Comments: 38
Bio Michael is the founder and ex-CEO of Striata, a leader in Secure Document Delivery. Striata, a global eDocuments, eBilling and eMarketing software application developer and services specialist, was acquired in 2020. Career History Prior to Striata in 1999, Michael was the managing director of VWV Interactive. Michael began his working career with PricewaterhouseCoopers where he became a principal manager in the Consulting & Assurance Services (CAS) and was responsible for Internet Strategy & Services.



Counter Point to 'Banks are Struggling with Email'

02 Feb 2017

John Safa's opinion piece entitled 'Banks are struggling with email' presented a single lens to the topic. Here is an alternative viewpoint. Banks are not 'struggling' with email, indeed they are increasingly embracing the reach and ubiquity of email as a core communication tool for the always-on world. It is almost impossible to engage with elect...


Google, Digital Mailboxes and the long tail of eBilling

28 Feb 2013

I'm actively following the PR hype about Digital Mailboxes (you know - one place to get/save all my financial documents) – just waiting for Google (through Gmail) to announce its intentions in this space. Indeed, I'm somewhat perplexed that it hasn't already done so. Perhaps it's just following a similar strategy to Volly (that has again postponed...


The 2012 Billentis eBilling, eInvoicing Report

26 Apr 2012

The essence of 2012: Billentis eBilling & eInvoicing Report The 2012 Billentis eBilling & eInvoicing Report has been released. This is my interpretation of the findings as well as some of the highlights of the report. The report shows a predictable reduction in paper and a corresponding increase in electronic billing and invoicing. Email bi...


eBilling adoption rates, what's a realistic goal for 2012?

15 Mar 2012

As an eBilling practitioner, the bad news is that you are probably falling short of your target numbers. The good news is that it’s not your fault - but this may not prevent you from getting the axe. Board level expectations of 15% eBilling adoption per annum are normal. In today’s connected society where we are online more than offline and 'going ...

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