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BlackBerry losing out to iPhone as banks re-assess approach to personal computing policies

Apple's iPhone has usurped the Blackberry as the mobile handset of choice for tech-savvy financial services workers, according to new research on the consumerisation of corporate IT by systems integra...

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Banks chuck out their PCs and go Apple instead

Apple's iPhone has taken over the Blackberry as the mobile handset of choice for tech-savvy financial services workers, according to new research by Avanada. This was reported in a Finextra blog post this morning.

They said, the most popular smartphone used in the Financial Services workplace was the Apple iPhone (35%) sneaking ahead of the Blackberry and Android (32.5% each).

Banks are now ditching their Blackberry only approach for staff including Deutsche bank, Bank of America, Citi and JPMOrgan Chase.

Now everybody knows that the mass adoption of Apple started with an iPhone.

Once you get hooked to an iPhone, the iMac comes next when you realise how much time you can save.

After you buy the iMac all the issues with trying to run your life on a PC and an Apple come next, so you ditch your PC when you get fed up with the anti-virus messages.

What next?

The staff demand Apple at their bank workstations?

Would the banks cave in to the pressure?

I guess I should calm down, it would be a tall order. They will wait till the last second if at all I guess.


Comments: (5)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 26 March, 2012, 09:30Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

I think we will increasingly see banks let staff use whatever they want.  Instead of focusing on locking down the hardware, they will focus on securing the content.  We are seeing evidence of this already with a lot of banks developing email systems that staff can use on their personal device, or being able to connect remotely from their home computer - whatever that is. 

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 26 March, 2012, 09:40Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

I think you are right. We live in an open world now, control is getting harder and harder, no matter how hard the banks try.

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 27 March, 2012, 10:12Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Guess the Lemming banks will get there in the end spurred on by more agile individuals and organisations.

Let's hope it does not end up causing problems for the early Apple adopters who are enjoying a Windows free world.

Regrettably history suggests there could well be unintended fingers crossed that Apple continues to improve our lives....! 

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 28 March, 2012, 09:00Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Problem is the PCs are much cheaper than Macs. Which matters in the real world. Linux is also non-PC and is cheaper still, but tends to hover about at the enterprise level rather than on staff machines.

The death of RIM may be a bit premature... after all they will come back again with a new offering, and iPhones are starting to look a bit dated by this point - especially with all the new Android devices and even Windows 8 ones around the corner.

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 04 April, 2012, 09:22Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Don't forget the Ipad especially for Sales Professionals -  The iPad helps to break down the old barriers – the physical space – of the buying dynamic, against the, "I have a Laptop and I only what to show you something that is all neat, tidy and fixed" to "Lets work together to fix a problem". I believe that the Ipad helps the sales team to enable better sharing of information and more effective consultative selling communication. For instance if you did a mind map, political map or shared a collaboration map where you indicate to a supporter of yours how your solutions addresses their key business requirements through understanding what their business pains are and you map it out and then pass it to your supporter to verify it. They feel like they take ownership of your solution if they said this pain is correct but this is pain is insignificant, add this.... I think that is where selling with an Ipad/Tablet could get interesting. - I have a blog on Finextra called - Do sales professionals need to be able to sell with an Ipad? where I get 6 responses to this question from end users - worth checking out.

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