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Reflections on blogs and blogs

I got the half a million pageview message and looked into what I wrote in early 2010: "

"I have been writing blogs for about 3 years and it is helping me to get some messages and information out to partners, customers, students, researchers and others who share the networked economy passion.

About a year ago I was invited by finextra to start blogging on their site. As I have a background in banking and especially e- and 3rd generation e-banking I was glad to test out if my input would interest readers in this channel. Usually I publish the same stories in both my original Networked Economy blog and here - but add financial industry aspects in Finextra.

The results have been rather impressive. While 3 years at have produced 15 000 page views - 1 year in Finextra has produced 120 000 (8 months later 250 000)..

What does this say? First of all that the media matters - easy to find > brings in readers and more comments (not much though). Secondly that you can reach the audience without the help of journalists. This "filter" is of course sometimes very useful - but sometimes it is not adding anything but time. Sometimes more "neutral" journalists naturally add credibility to your cause - but then again may take away part of the passion - and are not necessarily much more trusted than the writer. A conclusion may then be that both are needed - and that the demands on both are on the rise.

See the big picture, show the big picture, get going, go deeper, keep going - and all the time communicate so that the market (including your competitors) get it."

Still sense-making I think.. maybe a full million is realistic?


Comments: (2)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 11 October, 2011, 23:24Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

If only you had a penny per view, eh?

Bo Harald
Bo Harald - Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData - Helsinki Region 17 October, 2011, 11:50Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Would be nice - but I am not really writing these for that reason. Rather the good-for-society-at-large aspect.

Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

Member since

04 Nov 2008


Helsinki Region

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Innovation in Financial Services

A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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