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My view about Google Wallet as a platform

There has been lot of debate about Google Wallet, which itself is a new way to have credit card. It is plastic alright, but not like plastic we are used to have. It has screen, touch pads and you can also call or surf with it. It is also called as mobile phone.

This is new step, which has been already tested with many companies in the last past 10 years, but this time with a lot bigger company. What will be results? Is it a failure like Google Wave was or is it success like Google Android platform.

I have been wondering already some time if Google could build this Google Wallet as platform allowing other companies to innovate new products inside this eco-system. My old idea is to have similar service, but not to build payment to mobile phone, but to key chain because it is always with me. Size would be same as car key chain and it could have touch pad, small screen, containing my card information, sms or net connection to my own bank and it would work at the PoS using RFD connection like Google Wallet. 

If this platform would allow straight connections to my own bank, using more payment options like debit card or even e-invoice, then it would be a platform hard to beat. 




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