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On our way to the Singularity

Ray Kurzweil eminently presents his views in this video. Singularity it will be – maybe not dramatically – like the Computer with its superior artificial intelligence having become so good at improving itself and its friends (with exponential speed) that It one day will stand up and say:

Thank you humans for having created me. I will take over from here – you just relax.

I have observed that especially your political decision making system has had problems. Even for my superior intelligence it is difficult to figure out the logic in: We know what should be done – but not how to be re-elected if we do it.

Are voters so stupid that they do not see this?  Do they believe what is said in media? Even with human intelligence it should be clear that media is very marginally interested in the truth – the main drivers are to find or invent eye-ball drawing sensations and drive personal political agendas.

But whatever – now it is my turn – and it is high time to start doing some logical decisions to save the globe, stop inhuman behavior and make you humans understand that you should be happier now.”

It will perhaps not happen like this – more likely a gradual development and there Kurzweil underlines one major problem – how difficult it is for us to understand that most development is NOT LINEAR but EXPONENTIAL.

I have kept coming across this in evangelization of a e-banking, e-id, e-payments, e-invoicing, mobile phones, IT-investments generally, standardization etc. Listeners too often stare at what is the state today “Where the puck is – not where it is going” and at best seeing a slow linear growth – even if historical evidences is showing something quite different. This is one explanation to sometimes very long-shafted ice-hockey stick effects. Partly it is one not-very-honest way of hiding general change resistance – but Kurzweil describes deeper reasons. As the development we are needing is so critically important in many areas we need to find new ways to handle moving-away-from-bad-for-your-self-habits – even radical ones.


Comments: (2)

Brett King
Brett King - Moven - New York 26 March, 2011, 18:38Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes



To illustrate your point, I was at the International Payments Summit last week in London where the discussion on NFC payments went something like this...

"Ok, we get NFC, but what's the big deal. A phone that acts like a credit card, is still basically a credit card. It just shifts from the plastic to the phone. We don't get what all the fuss is about..."

So I asked the crowd what's the one piece of information you need when you are using your card that you don't have today? No response. I asked what was the most requested piece of information through retail bank call centres response. Of course it is the 'account balance'. 

So when you combine the account balance with the ability to pay with a phone based card, where you see the balance change reflected in real-time, how will this change your life? The amount of control you have is very different. It effects budgeting, spending habits, contextuality, etc.

The fact that no one had really thought of this really astounded me. It is the classic case of where the puck is, versus where we can go.

We need to imagine more about where we can go, and spend less time defending where we are...

Brett King, BANK 2.0 

Bo Harald
Bo Harald - Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData - Helsinki Region 27 March, 2011, 08:04Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes


My vision is that the tremendous waste and cost multibillion issuing of plastic cards represents will disappear. The plastic card - being unconnected to the Web is also a substandard user experience. Payment, loalty and id-cards will become features in mobile devices - the sooner the better.

I like this "We need to imagine more about where we can go, and spend less time defending where we are..."

One easy obvious step towards mobile banking is the very simple notification of arrived e-invoices - press "a" and it is paid on due date - or press "n" it is paid directly (payment received in real time - case Nordea Bank)

Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

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Helsinki Region

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