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Australian floods make wikileaks looks like a trickle

Devastating floods in Queensland have continued to worsen and move towards the coast engulfing towns and cities in their path. Some towns located on mountain-tops experienced walls of water metres high cascading down the street suddenly without warning. Cars, and buildings were swept away in seconds. Many people are missing and a number killed. Rescue helicopters have limited access due to incessant rainstorms and fog.

Ipswitch a major city is in the direct path with a 19 metre flood peak expected and it continues to rain heavily. It may become the most damaging flood for a century.

Billions of dollars worth of crops destroyed. Toowoomba suffered an estimated $6 billion in damage most occuring in the space of minutes and completely without warning. Most small towns are isolated by raging waters.

Brisbane the capital is expecting flood levels not seen since 1974.

All residents in lower areas of Brisbane are now being warned to evacuate immediately as the peak is now expected to exceed previous disasters.

The central business district is apparently safe but the previous location of the former Prime Ministers office has now been evacuated. 50 suburbs have put on alert and several suburbs have been urged to evacuate to higher ground immediately.

The large dam immediately above the city is apparently at 174% capacity and the maximum amount is being released, but this flows into the city itself. Government websites are down and communication are severely strained. SMS alert systems do not seem to be working. This is a worst case scenario event. 'Mind-boggling' according to one person witnessing the ferocity of the water.

Brisbane will become a series of island within hours.

After being 'corrected' by Qld police and changing the CBD evacuation they are now doing so. It has now been confirmed likely to be almost 2 metres beyond all records.

If you read my earlier blog I hope you got out.

The city will flood beyond their expectations.

Food prices will be volatile due to the floods. Cattle grain sorghum production seriously reduced.


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