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Happy Holidays and Thank You From Robert Siciliano

25 years ago I was in a situation where I needed some help. A man appeared out of nowhere and seemed to have sensed my desperation and offered assistance. I accepted. Up until that day “It was all about me”.  When I asked why he stopped to offer assistance and go out of his way as he did, he simply said, “Sometimes people just need help” That simple act and those 5 words changed my life.

In these posts we spend a lot of time talking about “bad-guys”. I point out their motivations, methods and techniques and what – you -, the kind, and nice, civilized person needs to be aware of to protect yourself and family.

Scribbling about these home security issues every day requires reading about negative awful things on a daily basis.  But I’m OK with it.

Ya know why?

Because I care about you and I want to help. Caring lights a fire under me and motivates me to keep you informed. Like a musician has to play, I have to remind you to keep your head up.

Although the chances of something bad ever happening is slim, we know there is a chance. I know you can only read and re-read these tips so many times and some of you occasionally drop out, then drop back in to refresh your memory on how to protect yourself.

We are all in this together. We are a community and need each other to move forward, and to help each other. This life, if we are lucky enough to live till our eighties, (like my grandfather who past this year) goes by fast.

Throughout life we make choices and decisions that determine our destiny. I believe we are in control of about 90% of that destiny and about 10% is beyond our control. It’s generally not “what happens” to you, but “how you choose to respond” or deal with each circumstance that determines the outcome.

From my little corner of the universe, my goal is to keep you informed of your options so you can prevent evil from messing up your life.

We thank you so much for listening. We hope so much that it’s making a difference. I am personally grateful that you care enough to take responsibility for this part of life and for living consciously about your personal security.

Happy Holidays to you and yours. Make it a safe and secure one.


Comments: (2)

John Dring
John Dring - Intel Network Services - Swindon 07 January, 2011, 04:42Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Aw, shucks. A true born-again story.  Seriously, thanks for the interesting, informative and entertaining posts - always good stuff.

Robert Siciliano
Robert Siciliano - - Boston 07 January, 2011, 11:40Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Awww, seriously, I have to work on being nice every day. It's not easy. But thanks for your kind koments.

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