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An article relating to this blog post on Finextra:

Apacs talks up take-up of online card security schemes

Cardholder take-up of the MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa online authentication services has increased by 600% over the past two years, according to stats from UK payments group Apacs.

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Card schemes reach orbit through perpetual spin

The marketing spin by the card payment industry espousing (misrepresenting?) the virtues of yet another security initiative to add to the great list  -

here remember another password for the internet (or better yet, use one you already use somewhere else...)

use this special secret code we printed on the back of your card (which won't be able to be read by waiters etc...what do you think they're looking at, your signature?)

sure you are safe if you have a green browser bar (you really would have to be green to believe that one)

just tap or wave (except if you want to spend more than a few quid, then you'll need to enter your PIN...

                               'Tap and wave your money good-bye' :)

use your finger on this communal fingerprint scanner (but you still need to type another long PIN so we can use this novel and impractical biometric because the boss saw it in a movie)

give us your mobile number so we can SMS you after we think you've been robbed (and deliver a few ads?)

I always think to myself - 'it's gotta be good for me if I'm being forced to do it'.

I suppose that's one way for an idea to gain popularity.

Rocket scientists, they're not, but they certainly create enough spin to get into orbit.


I see that Visa is bringing out un-embossed cards and letting the bank branches issue them. Why not, everybody else is, they'll just have to de-tool for unembossed cards now.

I suppose it's a step closer tho no card.



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