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Singing the latest buzz words with Credit Crunch, Compliance Checks, it definitely time for banks to be cutting costs  especially after writing off almost $148 billion dollars. So with coming years in cost cutting, all our astonishing skyscrapers would be gone, trains less crowded and bars getting dry. All those freaky high paying Investment bankers gone with systems doing their job.. With high-end technologies and high STPs, all back office moved cheaper locations and banks go online would we should get into a virtual banking world with everything ONLINE (literally! Internet and Phone)

Being Individuals how often we goto a bank? Once in a year probably.. so we will soon be in an all ONLINE Retail banking world. For Corporate banks, we still have a long way to go.. probably another few decades and everything online! Well most tricky one is Investment banking world.. where everyone wants to make money by using their money J so if we have Artificial Intelligence built systems may be in another 50 years.. (have you seen iROBOT movie yet?) with build your own product of investments, would Investment banks also go online? And we step into banco de future.. .. ONLINE!!


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Siddharth Udani
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Siddharth Udani

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Banking Architecture

A community for discussing the latest happenings in banking IT. Credit Crunch impacting Risk Systems overall, revamp of mortgage backed securities, payment transformations, include business, technology, data and systems architecture capturing IT trends, 'what to dos?' concerning design of systems.

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