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Twitters ups its Security Game

Twitter recently announced its new tool to help with management and monitoring of its users’ accounts: the Twitter data dashboard.

An article on details what this new tool will offer. For instance, you will not need to use your real name on Twitter—and I have to admit, this is an odd way to promote the tool, because I’m sure that scads of Twitter users haven’t been using their real name for years. It’s not as though Twitter can tell that “Emily White” is really Sashea Fiopwieei.

Anyways, users will be happy that their privacy settings will let them control whether or not their tweets are kept public. You will be able to enable login verification to increase your account’s security.

The Twitter data dashboard can be accessed from the settings menu that users can find on It shows the user’s account activation details and recent login history. It also reveals any devices that have accessed the account.

This setup allows the user to review account activity in an expedient way and make sure that everything looks right.

Now suppose you notice login activity from an unfamiliar app. You can go to your settings and look for the apps tab and revoke the application’s access to your account.

The article also points out that if you notice logins from unfamiliar locations, you can immediately change your password.

You also have the option for setting up login verification to add an extra layer of security to your account. Twitter’s new dashboard will let you manage your Twitter archive and control your address book contacts, among other items that you will have more jurisdiction over.




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