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Bo Harald

Time for soul-searching - also in banks

Then the first question is WHY? Why? Because people do not buy what you say – but why you say it. Simon Sinek proves this beyond doubt in his book Start with Why. You can get a good taste of this alr...

07 Dec 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

All countries should save tax payer's money with e-invoicing

Now Switzerland But Denmark - true Vikings - made e-invoicing manda...

05 Dec 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Time for better and new Ecosystems

I had the opportunity to speak at the spectacular SLUSH-event in Helsinki. The main focus there is always on how startups are changing the world and should get more funding to do it even faster. My pr...

20 Nov 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

It's our money..

An estimated EUR 177 billion in VAT revenues was lost due to non-compliance or non-collection in 2012, a recent report reveals. E-invoicing to help reduce EU VAT Gap losses - report Ac...

31 Oct 2014
Electronic invoicing
Bo Harald

How long can e-banking keep growing?

Over 6 million e-banking contracts in a country with 5,5m people - and there is a monthly fee. And transactions just keep growing..

26 May 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

e-id as bank service storming ahead in Finland

The most natural thing in the world is to reuse e-banking credentials, ready HABIT and TRUST for public sector and other 3rd party services when strong identification and/or contract signing is needed...

19 May 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Banks turbo-driving e-invoicing in Finland

Almost all enterprises in the country signed up (336.000). Huge growth in transactions. Consumer volumes exploding this year as direct debit features have been integrated.

19 May 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Blog post nbr 300 - this time about e-invoicing..

As of November last year 72% of all enterprises in Finland used structured e-invoicing (Finvoice or TEAPPS standards - compatible with ISO20022). By now it is considerably higher. E-mailing PDFs has n...

13 Mar 2014
Bo Harald

Massive forces needed

When we have been working with changing direction in large companies or large scale projects like x-EU e-invoice harmonization, automated VAT reporting and the real time economy generally speaking we ...

10 Mar 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

We all know where we are heading

We all know that administrative processes will be fully automated in the future and continue their march towards real time. Still far too many of us continue to sit on our hands - perhaps not hoping t...

27 Feb 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Consumer ombudsmen - protecting costs - not consumers

In my previous post I recommended transparent charging for services - covering the costs as a minimum - to guide the consumers to act in their own interest. Oddly enough this is not widely supported b...

05 Feb 2014
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Charge for it!

When we launched e-banking back in 1982 for consumers and SMEs at Union Bank fo Finland we pretty soon started to charge for the service. We thought that getting banking into homes and offices was wor...

05 Feb 2014
Innovation in Financial Services

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