Darren Negraeff

Darren Negraeff

Marketing Director at Zafin
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Bio My name is Darren Negraeff - I'm the Marketing Director for Zafin - we create pricing and billing innovations for banks and financial institutions. While it is my job to promote our products and services, I'm equally interested in learning about and discussing Product and Pricing Lifecycle Managemen Career History I entered the banking world the same time I joined Zafin. Since then it has been an exhilarating ride learning about the issues and challenges facing one of the most impactful industries today.


Innovation in Financial Services

Getting Relationship Pricing Right, with Neil Stanley

15 Jan 2013

DN: Thanks for agreeing to the interview Neil. I know our readers will be very interested to hear your view on how banks can deliver more value to their customers through customer centric initiatives while increasing profitability. Let's start with relationship pricing. NS: Relationship pricing is not a new concept in general – to a varying degr...

Innovation in Financial Services

Banking on the Relationship

03 Aug 2012

Sometimes, to understand where you need to go, you need to look back at what the past held. Banks previously employed a silo-based approach towards pricing and reacted only to competitive offerings when required. Supply and demand largely influenced prices and rates, which were considered in the context of other banks’ offerings, rather than from ...


Innovation in Financial Services

Part II: Major Hurdles Core Banking Systems need to Overcome

09 Jul 2012

Core banking systems were built for a slower technological pace, where code changes were rare and stability and security were paramount. Now, legacy core banking systems are an impediment to innovation. In today's faster moving world, banks have to meet the changing risk appetites and product bundling profiles of a wired generation that has grown ...

Innovation in Financial Services

Major Hurdles Core Banking Systems need to Overcome

21 Jun 2012

Core Banking Systems were built for a different world - a world that gave precedence in banking systems to security, redundancy and reliability and were architected in a product-centric way. Today, those requirements are still present - but it is not enough to be secure - the core architecture must also be flexible, innovative, and agile. Systems ...


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